Winners » April 2002 Casino Wins » April 15, 2002.

Lasse S. Won an Incredible $357,089.04 on the New Cyberstud Poker At Jackpot City.

Lasse S Online gambler Lasse S., European Car Dealership Supervisor, won $357,089.04 progressive jackpot playing Cyberstud Poker at Jackpot City online casino on April 15th, 2002. "This amazingly big jackpot will definitely change much in my life! With all this money you might say that I can do almost whatever I want... The first thing I am going to do is to buy myself the car of my dreams!!" said the winner. Lasse S also answered the following questions of a Jackpot Madness manager:

What was your reaction to winning such a massive amount of money and being the first winner?
I was completely shocked! I didn't know what to do there and then. I called a friend of mine and asked him to come to my place and confirm what I saw on my computer. He was almost as shocked as me...

What are your plans for your winnings?
With all this money, you might say that I can do almost whatever I want... The first thing I am going to do is to buy myself the car of my dreams. That's an Audi RS2. Second, I am going to travel to the USA for a trip in a fighter jet. That will be for approximately $13.000, and then I will of course pay all my debts, although that isn't much. I will also invest some money and of course build or buy myself a house... And I will use some of my money for more gambling.

How did you get to be so lucky?
I don't do anything special for good luck, it seems that I am born lucky! And I don't complain.... Perhaps that is what brings the good luck??

Do you have any special advice for your fellow players?
I live day by day, and it seems to be the best way to live. Although now I have to plan ahead a bit considering all the money I won... And it's better to be rich and well than poor and sick....

What is your dream holiday destination?
That would be to spend a holiday on a cruise ship for a week, followed with a week in Las Vegas!

Source: Jackpot Madness

Tags: Progressive Poker, Lasse S, Cyberstud Poker, Jackpot City.

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