Winners » March 2002 Casino Wins » March 18, 2002.
Mom Gets a New Car and Retirement Fund Too. Kimberle D. Wins $27,021.38 Playing Wow Pot At Jackpot City.

What was your reaction to hitting the jackpot?
My husband and I travel to Las Vegas twice a year and to Reno every two to three months and I never ever win the way that I win when I play at your casinos. Even if I don't win, I feel I get my money's worth as your machines will pay off more and I know because I have played on every online casino there is and this casino has the best and the most pay offs!
What are your plans for your winnings?
My husband bought me a beautiful diamond and pearl necklace for Christmas and I rub the pearl. I feel I get good luck from that.
What do you do for good luck?
My husband bought me a beautiful diamond and pearl necklace for Christmas and I rub the pearl. I feel I get good luck from that.
Do you have any advice for your fellow Jackpot Madness fans?
My grandmother use to say add some sugar to lemons and you get lemonade, so when people are rude to you be nice and see what I try to always remember that when I am dealing with rude people.
What is your dream holiday destination?
To go to Athens, Greece and visit the beaches.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
I love doing crafts: making steppingstones and working on my scrapbooks, and of course a little gambling on the side.
Source: Jackpot Madness
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