Winners » April 2004 Casino Wins » April 10, 2004.

A Lesson Learned is a Jackpot Gained! Kenna W. Wins $10,659 Playing Triple Sevens At River Nile.

Kenna W Kenna W. won $10,659.10 progressive jackpot playing Triple Sevens Blackjack at River Nile online casino on April 10, 2004. "I was teaching my brother how to play online. He had never seen anything like this except in Las Vegas." said the winner. Triple Sevens is a progressive blackjack game from Microgaming where for a $1 side bet players have a chance to win growing jackpot. The recent winner Kenna W answered the following questions of a Jackpot Madness manager:

What was your initial reaction to your big win?
My brother and I thought I had only won $1,000.00. Then I looked at the screen again and started yelling and hugging my brother. I showed him that I won $10,000.00 not $1,000.00. My brother yelled: ‘Get the camera, take pictures of the screen! Oh my gosh did we really win that money?' Then the screen turned light blue and a huge sign popped that said ‘Congratulations on winning the Super Jackpot.' We were still hugging and yelling. It was so exciting!

How do you plan on spending your winnings?
I am deployed overseas with the US Navy and have recently had surgery with complications. My brother flew to Spain to take care of me and charged the trip on his credit card. When I called my husband to tell him what we had won, he said ‘Put your brother on the phone.' He told him we would give him $2,000.00 to pay for his trip. We are using $2,000.00 for our one year wedding anniversary, and we are also going to the States to visit my family. I have only seen them once since the war broke out. We'll use the rest to pay our taxes.

How long had you been playing on the day of your win?
Actually, my brother had only been playing for a few turns and was very nervous. When the 1st 2 red diamond sevens came up he was slow because he did not want to hit the wrong button. I was totally freaking out and kept telling him to just hit the freaking button. Good thing he did!

What advice do you have for others?
Life is a journey and not a destination.

What do you do for good luck?
Trust in God.

What is your dream holiday destination?
I'd love to go on a cruise with my entire family. No one would have to worry about paying for anything. Our mother did this for us years ago and we have never forgotten it. As far as the destination, it would not matter as long as the whole family was together.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
Play bingo, walk on the beach, write letters home to my family, and read.

What 3 things would you take with you on a deserted island?
I would take my journals - they have sustained me through 8 years of deployment and separations from my true love. I would also take my Yanni CD collection. Some years back when I was in a horrific fire and was burned, my girlfriend played Yanni to me and it took me off to a pleasant place where the sky was blue, the ocean deep, and the pain far away. Finally, I would take my bible.

What is your ultimate goal in life?
To retire as Master Chief of the US Navy, get a doctorate in psychology, retire, and spend the rest of my days enjoying my grandchildren.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
I am 42 years old and recently got married. We have 5 children and 6 grandchildren between us. I have two sisters and one brother. I am in the US Navy Supply Logistics, my Rank is E-6 and I am up for Chief Petty Officer. This jackpot gave me the opportunity to repay my brother for all the help he has provided me while I have been sick. It has also helped us pay our taxes.

Source: Jackpot Madness

Tags: Kenna W, Triple Sevens, River Nile Casino.

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