Winners » May 2003 Casino Wins » May 5, 2003.

Steven Hits TripleSevens On His First Try! Stephen S. Wins $20,118.31 Playing Triple Sevens At Music Hall Casino.

triplesevens Stephen S. won $20,118.31 progressive jackpot playing Triple Sevens Blackjack at Music Hall online casino on May 5, 2003. "This was my first time playing TripleSevens! When I got the first 2 sevens I asked myself if I should go for it. I did...and it turned out really well! I was still not sure I won, so I had to double-check to make sure I was playing for real and not for fun." said the winner. Triple Sevens is a progressive blackjack game from Microgaming where for a $1 side bet players have a chance to win growing jackpot. The recent winner Stephen S answered the following questions of a Jackpot Madness manager:

Did anything unusual happen on the day of your win?
It was actually just a normal day. I had no idea I was going to win.

How do you plan on spending your winnings?
I'm thinking about a new car, and I am definitely buying a laptop. Also, it's been a while since I've been to Vegas so I'll probably go there and win some more money!

What advice do you have for others?
Never give up no matter how long it takes. I don't believe people should give up their dreams. We should always have goals in our lives. It gives us something to shoot for.

What do you do for good luck?
I really don't have anything I do for luck. But, I do touch the computer screen and try to will the cards to go my way.

Describe in detail your dream holiday destination.
I would probably say somewhere in Mexico with a nice beach and good company.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
Most of my spare time I'm web surfing. On weekends I'll hang out with friends, go to a club, or maybe go bowling.

What 3 things would you take with you on a deserted island?
My computer with an internet connection, a cellphone, and Jennifer Lopez. My reasons: with a computer and cellphone I could keep in touch with the outside world...and Jennifer Lopez, that's self explanatory.

What is your goal in life?
That's simple. I want to have a healthy family and everything that goes with it (mortgage, kids, yard work). Ultimately, that's all that matters in your life's goals. They are the reason you work hard.

Source: Jackpot Madness

Tags: Stephen S, Triple Sevens, Music Hall Casino.

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