Winners » March 2006 Casino Wins » March 12, 2006.

'Woork Hard and Be Honest'. Dick M. Wins $10,968.52 Jackpot Playing Poker Ride At Lucky Nugget Casino.

Poker Ride Dick M. won $10,968.52 progressive jackpot playing Poker Ride Game at Lucky Nugget online casino on March 12, 2006. " said the winner. Poker Ride is a new Microgaming progressive game based on Let It Ride poker. For an optional $1 side bet players have a chance to win large progressive jackpot with Royal Flush or 10% of the jackpot hitting Straight Flush. The recent winner Dick M answered the following questions of a Jackpot Madness manager:

Did anything unusual happen the day that you hit the jackpot?

What was your initial reaction when you won?
"I told my wife."

How will you spend your winnings?
"Pay bills."

How long were you playing before you hit the jackpot?
"Over 1 hour."

What do you do for good luck?
"Work hard."

What piece of advice has most helped you through life?
"Be honest."

What is your dream holiday destination?
"South Padre Island!"

What do you do in your spare time?

If you were told you had to donate all of your winnings to a good cause, where would you donate it?
"United Fund in Texas."

If you were stranded on a deserted island what 3 things would you take with you and why?
"Woman, fishing pole, and beer."

What is your ultimate goal in life?
"To have friends."

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
"I'm 68 and married."

Source: Jackpot Madness

Tags: Dick M, Lucky Nugget Casino, Poker Ride.

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