Winners » December 2006 Casino Wins » December 22, 2005.

Karen S. Wins $33,253.46 Playing LotsaLoot At Lucky Nugget Casino And Wants To Do Something For Her Beloved.

Karen S Karen S. won $33,253.46 progressive jackpot playing LotsaLoot Slot at Lucky Nugget online casino on December 22, 2005. LotsaLoot is a very popular Microgaming progressive slot machine game that is now available in two versions - the classic 3 reel slot and an advanced 5 reel, 20 payline game with enhanced winning opportunities.

Did anything unusual happen on the day of your win?

"No, was just unwinding from Christmas shopping."

What was your initial reaction to your big win?

"Total disbelief, happiness and shock... you name it, it all came over me."

How do you plan on spending your winnings?

"I am going to do something very special for my husband who has been my best friend, husband and shoulder. This was our 10th Christmas together and I am so very blessed to have him."

How long had you been playing on the day of your win?

"About 1 1/2 hours."

How long has it been since your last win?

"It's been since November of 2004, same game at Lucky Nugget. Lucky Nugget, I love you!"

What keeps you coming back?

"I love to play slots, traveling to casinos is not always easy with my work schedule, so it's a convenience factor of being able to play when I want."

Tell us how your first win has influenced your life. Will this win be any different?

"I had just lost my father when the first win happened; it helped tremendously to help pay the funeral costs as my mom was totally unprepared financially for all the expense. This win will be much different because as I said I want to do something VERY special for my Husband!"

Will you spend your winnings differently this time?

"Yes, as already stated, the first win had to be spent on my dad's funeral costs, and I was VERY grateful for the win but this one will be so much more special to me. I am so very happy!"

What was different or the same about your wins?

"No, just a gift from heaven I believe."

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?

"I am married. I have an 18 year old son and a 16 year old daughter and lots and lots of animals! I love animals!"

Source: Jackpot Madness

Tags: Karen S, Lucky Nugget Casino, LotsaLoot.

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