Winners » November 2002 Casino Wins » November 25, 2002.

New Home and No More Car Payments. Samantha H. Wins $42,696.14 Playing LotsaLoot At Crazy Vegas.

lots a loot Online gambler Samantha H., Information Technology Professional, won $42,696.14 progressive jackpot playing LotsaLoot at Crazy Vegas online casino on November 25th, 2002. "My partner and I came home from my parents' and sat down to take a few spins and we were just talking about all those folks that have won and what it would be like to hit, all of a sudden we realized that we hit the jackpot and started yelling at the top of our lungs, 'oh my god we just hit the jackpot!' We were hugging and jumping up and down on the floor and just kept screaming. It was so awesome and I said 'oh my god, we are now one of those people!'" said the winner. LotsaLoot The recent winner Samantha H answered the following questions of a Jackpot Madness manager:

What will you do with your jackpot winnings?

What do you do for good luck?

Do you have any advice for your fellow Jackpot Madness players?


What is your dream holiday destination?

Do you have any special hobbies?

Is there anything else you would like to share with your fellow progressives fans?

Source: Jackpot Madness

Tags: Samantha H, LotsaLoot, Crazy Vegas.

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