Winners » June 2004 Casino Wins » June 12, 2004.

Down $3.75 One Minute, Up $13,743.89 the Next! Elizabeth C. Wins $13,743.89 Playing Fruit Fiesta At Grand Hotel Casino.

fruit fiesta Elizabeth C. won $13,743.89 progressive jackpot playing Fruit Fiesta Slot at Grand Hotel online casino on June 12, 2004. "I was down to $3.75 and went to Fruit Fiesta. The jackpot was over $13,000 and I thought, oh, that's a nice jackpot. The game gradually got me up to $19.00, then I hit." said the winner. Fruit Fiesta is a popular 3-reel 3 payline slot machine game developed by Microgaming. For a small max bet of $0.75 per spin you have a chance to win a progressive jackpot. The recent winner Elizabeth C answered the following questions of a Jackpot Madness manager:

What was your initial reaction to your big win?
When the big green sign came up saying I won the jackpot, I leaned back in shock. I stared at it, and couldn't believe I had just won over $13,000 dollars. The next thing I did was look at my cash balance and saw all those numbers. It was beautiful. I immediately called my husband at work and asked him if he was sitting down. He was as shocked and excited as I was!

How do you plan on spending your winnings?
We will probably do some minor home improvements, such as adding ceramic tiles to the bathroom and hardwood flooring into the living room, although we have completely decided.

How long had you been playing on the day of your win?
I had been playing for only about 45 minutes, but I play daily and have been enjoying microgaming games for years.

What do you do for good luck?
Thank God and those watching over me when it happens.

What advice do you have for others?
Listen to your inner self, and respect others.

What is your dream holiday destination?
There are 2 destinations that I would love to go to, and each are completely opposite of the other. A cruise vacation from Vancouver, BV Canada to Alaska is one of the most peaceful, yet exciting holidays I can think of. It is so completely different and far from where I live that it would be a great experience. On the other hand, the sands and beauty of Aruba has always appealed to me. There is nothing more appealing than knowing the beach is always within reach.

What 3 things would you take with you on a deserted island?
If I were stranded on a desert island I would take the following 3 things: my husband, a Swiss army knife and the bible. I don't want to live without my husband, a Swiss army knife is a tool that will accomplish all and the bible to read.

What is your ultimate goal in life?
My ultimate life's goal is to enjoy the moment, ALWAYS, no matter what.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
My husband and I have been married for 18 years, we have 4 dogs, and work in the same profession, but in different areas. We feel blessed to have won this jackpot, and will use some of it to have some remodeling done. It will be nice to look at the finished product and remember the win.

Source: Jackpot Madness

Tags: Elizabeth C, Fruit Fiesta, Grand Hotel Casino.

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