Winners » January 2005 Casino Wins » January 2, 2005.

Husband Buys Wife A Diamond Ring! Eduardo N. Wins $13,666.67 Playing Fruit Fiesta At Crazy Vegas Casino.

fruit fiesta Virtual casino gambler Eduardo N. won $13,666.67 progressive jackpot playing Fruit Fiesta Slot at Crazy Vegas online casino on January 2, 2005. Fruit Fiesta is a popular 3-reel 3 payline slot machine game developed by Microgaming. For a small max bet of $0.75 per spin you have a chance to win a progressive jackpot. The winner Eduardo N answered several questions about the big win:

Did anything unusual happen the day that you hit the jackpot?
"It was New Year's Day.

What did you do when you realized you'd hit the jackpot?
"I was stunned and excited, I wasn't sure it was real until after I stared at it for a few minutes and realized I had done it.

How will you spend your winnings?
"Wisely, and on my family and for myself I will pimp my truck out with new wheels and tires, also I'm going to surprise my wife with a beautiful diamong ring!!!!.

How long were you playing before you hit the jackpot?
"I'd been playing off and on since about 8:30pm New Year's Eve.

What do you do for good luck?
"Nothing, except think positive all the time and this keeps luck with me all the time.

What piece of advice has most helped you through life?
"When making any important decision to always think of the pros and cons and throughly think things through before making a final decision.

What is your dream holiday destination?
"To visit cancun and enjoy the sun and beautiful crystal clear blue ocean and white sandy beaches with the love of my life, my wife.

What do you do in your spare time?
"Spend time with my kids, work in the yard &/or garage, gamble and have a good time at whatever I am doing.

If you were stranded on a deserted island what 3 things would you take with you and why?
"My wife, my children and a babysitter.

Source: Jackpot Madness

Tags: Eduardo N, Crazy Vegas Casino, Fruit Fiesta.

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