Winners » March 2001 Casino Wins » March 24, 2001.
Astronomy Enthusiast Buys Better Equipment and Car! Charles P. Wins $16,188.31 On LotsaLoot At The River Belle.

Tell us how it happened, how does it feel to win like this?
I tried one casino for $180 and when things didn't work out there I went into The River Belle and started with $30 and I just kept winning. So when I saw that I am doing well, I decided to go with the progressives. I began with Cash Splash, and then somebody won, so we switched to Lotsaloot and played for about 5 minutes and then it showed up, we won!
This is the first time I've ever won something in my life. I was so surprised I just stared at the screen for a minute; I turned white and told my wife that I am not feeling too well. I was in shock. I told my mother and sister and friends at work about the win, they asked for the web site so they could go try. Before we won, my wife and I were looking at all the names of the people that won on the Jackpot Madness site and she said that it just couldn't be true, that nobody ever wins these things, and then we hit it and now my name is on the list!! Now we know somebody that actually did win.
How did you find Jackpot Madness?
We have been playing for about a month, and we found out that we win more on the online casinos than the live ones. They way I found out about the online casinos was actually pretty funny. I was trying to come up with a plan to win roulette in Atlantic City, and I was looking for a picture of a roulette game so that I could come up with the plan, and I ended up with the casinos online. Of course, we never did go with that plan we just began playing online.
How will this win help you out in your everyday life?
I am going to pay off all my bills first of all, and that is just great. After that I am going to get a telescope and a car. A better telescope than the one I have, is something that I really want. I look at the planets and different galaxies. I want to get into photography through the telescope.
Where would you go for a dream vacation?
Australia. It is somewhere we are hoping to go some day, maybe with our next win…
What is your advice for other players?
Just believe that it is true! It can happen!
Source: Jackpot Madness
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