Winners » January 2006 Casino Wins » January 17, 2006.
The Thrill of Winning - Beth T. Wins $96,299.70 Playing Treasure Nile Slot At The Gaming Club Casino.

Did anything unusual happen on the day of your win?
"It was a holiday weekend so I was off the Monday that I hit it. My work was going to send me on a business trip for Tuesday, which I would have left Monday night. The trip was cancelled because of the holiday. If I had gone on the trip, I wouldn't have hit that night."
What was your initial reaction to your big win?
"I jumped out of my chair and I think I was in shock. I couldn't breathe. My husband thought I was hyperventilating."
How do you plan on spending your winnings?
"I plan on paying off all my credit cards and it will still leave me with a nice nest egg. I also plan on taking a couple of trips."
How long had you been playing on the day of your win?
"I hadn't played Treasure Nile for some time. I spun once and hit for around $50. I was thrilled with that. I think it was the next spin that I hit the jackpot. I only spun a couple of times."
How long has it been since your last win?
"I won Jackpot Deuces just two weeks before this one for over $17,000!"
What keeps you coming back?
"The thrill of winning."
Tell us how your first win has influenced your life. Will this win be any different?
"I always use a big win to either pay off a debt or I invest it. I try to save a good portion of the money for a rainy day!"
Will you spend your winnings differently this time?
"I will take a few more vacations with this win!"
What was different or the same about your wins?
"I didn't do anything different."
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
"My co-workers wanted to know why I even showed up to work. I probably won't leave my job. I enjoy it too much. I am married with two children. I work for a bank as a teller. I just turned 38!"
Source: Jackpot Madness
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